
 Articles contra Ron Paul
I sympathize with Wally Conger's decision to declare his blog a "Paul Free Zone" -- not merely because such discussion easily becomes tedious but also because any discussion of Ron Paul has the potential of alienating good friends. In my case, I am watching former anti-politicos as they sign get-out-the-vote petitions, do 'vote for my guy' mail-outs, and write Rah-Rah blog posts for a man who seeks a position of raw political power over their lives; there is no other way to describe the Presidency.

Some friends write to explain that they understand Paul's inconsistencies and his various terrible positions but that they don't care because he also says X, Y or Z. I make no comment on their choice to care or not other than to say I do not share it. I also do not and will not mention names because my stand is personal only against Ron Paul whom I believe (with evidence) would impose a religious social conservatism of unprecedented proportions. I also believe he is a hypocrite about many of his stands including the Paul-come-lately anti-war one; Paul originally objected only to the lack of a formal declaration of war in Iraq from Congress, introducing a resolution to procure one. His current anti-war statements (which he surely knows are politically popular) constitute a flipflop -- rather like that of Mitt Romney on abortion. Of course, Romney is accused of political opportunism and hypocrisy while Paul receives a free pass. Why? Because he is Ron Paul. I could run-on-and-on about free passes but, this morning, I'll let some other people speak.

Skip Oliva's Confessions of a Ron Paul Skeptic

No God Zone's Ron Paul on Separation of Church and State

Austin Clines's Authoritarian or Libertarian? Ron Paul
Wendy McElroy - Tuesday 28 August 2007 - 13:24:21 - Permalink - Printer Friendly