
 YouTube of Ron Paul on abortion
A YouTube video that makes clear that Paul's main priority is not anti-war or free trade but the prohibition of abortion. And PLEASE don't give me the f*cking line that he believes this matter should be left to states as though that position is some sort of benign argument. States' rights or perogatives do not exist any more than federal rights and perogatives exist; only individuals have rights. What exists is my body and my right to everything that is beneath my own skin. I am not such a blithering idiot as to believe that a politician who wants a smaller government (a local or state government) to absolutely negate my self-ownership is a benign friend while someone who wants a larger government to do so is my vicious enemy. Both are morally equal as enemies, both are politically equal as dangers.

ADDITIONAL THOUGHT: I will be adding a critique of Ron Paul to this blog on a daily basis until the PaulBearers of the libertarian movement come their senses. So expect a lo-o-o-ng series of commentaries on why people should be jumping off the bandwagon on this guy.Tomorrow's blog is on his wretched stand re: separation of Church and State.
Wendy McElroy - Wednesday 15 August 2007 - 06:01:41 - Permalink - Printer Friendly