
 Don't Vote. 20 Practical Reasons
Don't Vote: 20 Practical Reasons
by John Roscoe and Ned Roscoe

1. You know the present political system doesn’t work. You know it doesn’t make a difference who wins. It won’t make a difference who wins. It won’t make a difference to you.

2. You don’t believe the majority is always right. Your parents told you the truth when they said they didn’t care what the other kids did, you ought to do what’s right on your own.

3. You think the government has your name on a enough pieces of paper.

4. You don’t want to give any candidate the idea that he or she represents you.

5. You think all candidates are lying.

6. You believe you are victimized by politics and politicians. You don’t want to give the sanction of the victim to any politician.

7. You think it’s immoral to impose your view on others. You believe the best course of action will be decided by individuals without government interfernce.

8. You think the candidates would say anything, promise anything, and do anything to get elected.

9. You believe power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You believe incumbent politicians attain absolute power.

10. You want to send a message to politicians that government isn’t the most important thing in your life and you are not going to waste your time voting.

11. You have something better to do with your time.

12. You want to join the 75 percent of American adults who won’t vote for the next President of the United States.

13. You don’t think political parties represent ideologies. You think the parties are a collection of people who combine to attain power over others.

14. You don’t have an intelligent or logical reason to vote. You prefer to act in ways that make sense to you.

15. You know the incumbent almost always wins. You don’t think it’s in your best interest to add to the power of politicians.

16. You don’t believe in the Civic Religion. You don’t worship this way.

17. You didn’t register. You want to avoid jury duty.

18. You don’t believe what they told you in high school Civics. The system doesn’t work as they said it would. Since they were wrong about the system, they were almost certainly wrong about the good voting does.

19. You don’t want to give government any reason to get bigger, or to legitimize it. You think the 44 percent of the Gross National Product they now spend is enough.

20. You think nonvoting makes a bigger statement than voting.
Wendy McElroy - Thursday 21 October 2010 - 04:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly