
Tuesday 04 July 2006
 Telephone Snooping Preceded 9/11
From The Inquirer (tech news):

Washington spooks were setting up a snooping department within AT&T seven months before the September 11, 2001 atrocities.

According to court documents, the snooping centre was up and running before any war on terror was declared. This means that September 11 was a handy excuse when the unit, to spy on the calls of ordinary Americans without a court order, was discovered.

Yes, friends, your government is lying to you again while it eviscerates your privacy and civil liberties.

Two questions: First, how can this have been authorized by Congress' authorization for military force when it happened before that authorization, and even before the attacks which led to that authorization? Second, if this is such a powerful tool in the war on terror, how come this capability didn't prevent or even warn of the 9/11 attacks?
Brad - Tuesday 04 July 2006 - 12:08:53 - Permalink - Printer Friendly