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Friday 11 February 2022
Wendy McElroy - Friday 11 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
 The Canadians are Revolting - Justin in Hiding, Day 14
REMINDER: GoFundMe has announced that they will automatically refund your Freedom Convoy 2022 donations. If you're a donor, please verify that you got a refund. If you didn't, contact GoFundMe customer support. Remember, you can also dispute the charge with your credit card company, if GoFundMe fails to refund your donation. Spread the word.

Brad here. Brave Sir Justin appeared in Commons again Tuesday. I guess his COVID quarantine is officially complete. He still spends most of his time in hiding. His latest display of intellectual vacuity was to declaim "A few people shouting and waving swastikas does not define who Canadians are." Correct, and they do not define who the protesters are, either. Will he ever figure that out?

News is coming fast and furious...most of it bad news for Brave Sir Justin:

From the Post Millenial: Tow-trucking companies refuse to tow freedom convoy. First Coutts, now Ottawa. "10 companies all declined".
AND Pierre Poilievre tells Trudeau 'the rest of the world is moving on' from COVID while he 'hunkers down' This guy is hoping to lead Canada's Conservative party, the official opposition to the Liberals. "The rest of the world is moving on ... but we've got this holdout; the prime minister is hunkering down, and out of spite and personal pride, refusing to lift these unjustified and unscientific restrictions."
AND: BREAKING: Windsor requests additional personnel be deployed to clear Ambassador Bridge blockade. (The Bluewater Bridge and Peace Bridge are also reportedly affected.)
From the National Post: Ford, Toyota and now GM halt production as trucker blockade chokes off parts .
From The Epoch Times: Canadian Convoy Protesters Block US Border Crossing in Manitoba
From True North: 44% of Canadians sympathize with frustrations of trucker convoy. That's what Cut-N-Run Justin -- who won his last election with less than 33% of the popular vote -- calls a "fringe minority." At they rate they're going, his army of federal, provincial, and local thugs will drive the sympathy to 50% in no time.
From Politico: Trudeau's own party is starting to turn on him over Covid restrictions. And from The Hill Times: Quebec Liberal MP Robillard also breaks ranks, questions Trudeau government’s handling of pandemic, sides with Lightbound. First one MP breaking ranks. Now two. Like I said before, Liberals are fretting about the likelihood of losing the next election, and sauve qui peut will soon be the order of the day.
From The Post Millenial: WATCH: NDP leader calls for federal plan to exit pandemic, demands leadership from Trudeau. Et tu, Brute? (The NDP is in coalition with the federal Liberals.)
From The Epoch Times: Saskatchewan to End Vaccine Mandates On February 14th. Masking will no longer be required starting March 1.

Discouraging news elsewhere:

From GB News: Anti-vaccine mandate protesters arrested in New Zealand

The next conflict:

Even the Mafia agreed you didn't go after opponents' children. But in morality and honor, the Mafia scored far higher than today's politicians, who are ruthless, brutal, and stupid. From True North: Ottawa police call child services, have not ruled out removing truckers’ children. From The Post Millenial: MUST WATCH: Canadian freedom protester SLAMS CBC journalist for suggesting his kids be taken away. Does the Children's Aid Society really want to get mixed up in this? They're only a ten-minute drive from the main Ottawa protest.


From Common Sense (Substack) What the Truckers Want. "The convoy is spearheaded by truckers, but its message of opposition to life under government control has brought onto the icy streets countless, once-voiceless people declaring that they are done being ignored." (Recommended. h/t SDA)
From Ezra Levant: I think I know how this trucker rebellion is going to end. (h/t Instapundit)
From Spiked: The great populist revival
From the Toronto Sun: LILLEY: Time to finally allow us to get back to living 'normal' lives. "We need to stop having restrictions imposed upon us for political reasons."
From the Future of Freedom Foundation: Make Canada Great Again?


The headline says it all: from the Post Millenial: Ottawa police not subject to vaccine mandate but truckers they're arresting are.

From the Babylon Bee: Freedom Convoy Forms In Los Angeles Blocking Freeway And—Never Mind, That's Just Normal Traffic On The 405
Brad - Friday 11 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
 News and commentary for Feb 11
From Zero Hedge: Whispers Of An Emergency Fed Rate Hike As Soon As Tomorrow. [Ed: that would be today, Feb. 11. But it is only rumored.] From Peter Schiff: The Fed's Important Admission. "We’re not talking about tight money. We’re talking about less loose. And that’s exactly what Bostic confirmed..."

Inflation and Shortages. From Money: The Deadly Reason Your Car Insurance Bill May Rise This Year. "...the average policy would cost $1,707 this year." From Business Insider: Chipotle says it could raise prices again this year after a 4% price hike in December as inflation looks set to persist. [Ed: as goes Chipotle, so all restaurants. We don't eat out these days, for a few reasons.] From Zero Hedge: British Public "Outraged" By BoE Chief's Request That They Not Ask For Wage Hikes As Inflation Surges. AND Here Is The Heatmap From Today's Blowout CPI Report. "...CPI came in at the hottest level since 1982 when the Fed Funds rate was 11.50%." [Ed: jumped 7.5% last month compared with 12 months earlier.] From Politico: U.S. inflation might have hit a new 40-year high in January.

From Good News Newtwork: 1,000 Canadian Doctors Now Prescribing Nature By Giving Free Admissions With National Park Passes.

From Reason: Appeals Court Rules Ohio Cops Didn't Have Cause To Arrest Man Wearing 'Fuck the Police' Shirt.

From Responsible Statecraft: Why I want to kill Biden’s massive US-Egyptian arms deal. Washington must stop rewarding this strongman, whose tyrannical government tortures children and makes a mockery of justice. [Ed: by Senator Rand Paul.]

Privacy. From TNC News: Canada. House of Commons votes narrowly to end Public Health surveillance. "The House of Commons has narrowly voted to put an end to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s (PHAC) surveillance program that spied on 33 million mobile devices." [Ed: the news about the program just broke a few weeks ago, as I recall.] From Columbia Journalism Review: The danger is still on our devices [Ed: a must read.]

From the Organic Prepper: What Survival Shows Get Right and What They Get Horribly Wrong

The Manufactured Energy Crisis. From Zero Hedge: Polish Energy Officials Set To Meet U.S. Officials About Small Nuclear Reactors. [Ed: While Germany and the rest of nuclear-hating EU shiver, Poland will be warm.] From antiwar: Does Biden Think He's King of Europe? Watch His Nord Stream 2 'Botch From Hell'. [Ed: with visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz staqnding beside him at a joint press conference. Biden is such as embarrassment to the U.S.]

Yemen. From the Business Insider: Biden has merely rebranded the brutal war against Yemen. From antiwar: Yemen: January Saw Highest Civilian Casualties in Saudi Air War Since 2016. The Yemen Data Project found that 187 civilians were killed and 287 were injured in Saudi airstrikes in January

From Zero Hedge: "They Will Not Silence Me": Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Was Pressured Not To Reveal It's Mild. "I was told not to state publicly..."

From Gulf Business: Abu Dhabi Police confirms explosion of three petroleum tankers. Preliminary investigations suggest that the cause of the fires are small flying objects, possibly belonging to drones

From Jonathan Turley: Members Of Congress Demand Report On Border Patrol Officers Accused By President Biden. [Ed: it is standard procedure to make such reports available to Congress.]

From the Bored Panda: ‘Did You Know’: 73 Facts About Cats That You Might Not Have Heard Of

China. From Caitlin Johnstone: Wanting Russian Peace to Attack China. Some Republicans don’t want war with Russia, not because it’s the sane thing to do, but because they insanely want to go to war with China instead. From Breitbart: House Republicans Introduce Proposal to Sanction Xi Jinping and Thousands of CCP Officials .

From the Associated Press: No money for drug pipes: Feds douse social media firestorm. [Ed: it was the correct move but the admin still looks so bungling and Keystone Cop.]

North Korea. From CNN: North Korea boasts of 'shaking the world' by testing missiles that can strike the US.

From the Babylon Bee: CDC Director Now Says To Just Do Whatever Texas Did 12 Months Ago

The Coming Elections. From Voice of America: Rift Among Republicans Widens Over Censure of Party Outliers . [Ed: Trumpers are purging their opponents prior to the elections. Or trying to.] From Politico: Texas officials bemoan ‘lack of foresight’ as they struggle with GOP’s new voting law. From the Daily Caller: Kansas Republicans Override Gov’s Veto To Pass A Gerrymandered Map That Targets Democratic Rep.

From American Greatness: Over a Dozen American States Join Mexico in Suing American Gun Manufacturers

The Media. From the Associated Press: Palin Takes the Stand in NYT Libel Case. Former editor admits 'terrible mistake' [Ed: the NYT editor has been apologizing profusely. I don't know if this is an indication that Palin is more or less likely to win.] From Page Six: Chris Cuomo wants as much as $60 million from CNN amid Jeff Zucker exit. [Ed: it must be nice to be a Cuomo.]

Crypto & Digital Money. From the Daily Wire: Biden Set To Regulate Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Reportedly For ‘National Security Challenges’. [Ed: also discussing a possible CBDC.] From the Hill: Lawmakers clash over how to regulate 'stablecoins'.

From the Good New Network: Researchers Find the Key to Fixing Human Allergies to Dogs.

Russia and the Ukraine. From Zero Hedge: Finnish Politician Forced To Step Down For Saying Ukraine Should Not Join NATO. "Outrage" after Foreign Affairs Committee chair attempts a little realism on Ukraine... From Responsible Statecraft: The West must accept that Russia is a key player in Europe. Putin has been sending warning signals for over a decade; once the Ukraine crisis is over, nothing will be the same. From the Dispatch: Assessing the Military Strength of Russia and Ukraine. Russia may not the hold the military advantage media reports indicate. [Ed: believe nothing from the U.S. media.]
Wendy McElroy - Friday 11 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
Wendy McElroy - Friday 11 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
Thursday 10 February 2022
Wendy McElroy - Thursday 10 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
 The Canadians are Revolting - Justin in Hiding, Day 13
REMINDER: GoFundMe has announced that they will automatically refund your Freedom Convoy 2022 donations. If you're a donor, please verify that you got a refund. If you didn't, contact GoFundMe customer support. Remember, you can also dispute the charge with your credit card company, if GoFundMe fails to refund your donation. Spread the word.

Update: The Ambassador Bridge (Windsor/Detroit) is partially reopened. (Or maybe not?)

Brad here. When you encounter someone who claims to be "for the workers," ask what he or she thinks about the protesting Canadian truckers.

Their new fundraiser is up to $7.6 $8.1 million, with over 85,000 nearly 90,000 donors. That's US dollars, by the way, so about $9.6 $10.3 million Canadian (the GoF***Me fundraiser was reported in Canadian dollars).

From the National Post: Randall Denley: Ottawa police, the mayor and Justin Trudeau to blame for convoy occupation. From the Toronto Sun: KINSELLA: Ten points to consider in ending the mess in Ottawa. Good advice there for the government, not that I expect them to take it. And so far the truckers have been able to adapt quickly and creatively to new government tactics.

Also from the Toronto Sun: WARMINGTON: Arrested 78-year-old great-grandfather 'meant no harm' by honking. Yeah, but he was an easy target for the cops.

From the National Post: Rex Murphy: Freedom Convoy protests have exposed the deep divisions in our nation.

Who has most carried the hard weight of the COVID regime imposed by their governments and the protected class? Everyone knows the answer to that question: those in precarious economic positions, the independent, the unpensioned, blue-collar workers. Family and small business people, service employees, the staff of hotels and restaurants. The old and the very old, most cruelly those ill and in care, who were not only the most exposed and least protected, but who were cut off during their most difficult days from family contact. Anxiety was deepest, the burden greatest — as seems always the case in this world — for those least equipped to bear it.

Those most shielded by secure or government employment, those inoculated by high income from emergent and record inflation, have from the altitude of their security and comfort affected a dismissive, scornful and mean attitude. Very much a “who are these people?” Very much a paternalistic, very much a scolding-from-their-very-superior- understandings tone towards this “mob” of “racists,” “yahoos,” “nutters,” “traitors,” “misogynists,” and other golden terms of deepest courtesy and understanding towards our worker-citizens.

In a similar vein, in the Epoch Times, this from Tom Quiggin:

“Let’s remember most of Ottawa is government, huge number of civil servants here. They haven’t missed a paycheque. They’ve got pay raises, some of them have got back pay, most of them are working from home. Some of them who can’t work from home are just doing nothing and still getting paid,” Quiggin said at the press conference.

“So yes, it’s unfortunate that they feel bad about the horns, yes, it’s unfortunate they feel bad about the disruption, but the rest of the country is hurting.”

From PJ Media: Can Politicians Quit the Power Habit? "By declaring vaccine petitioners a 'small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views,' Trudeau turned a public health issue into political dynamite. It’s a classic case study on how to escalate a problem into a crisis..." (Read the whole thing.)

From Zero Hedge: Alberta To Scrap Vaccine Passport Program, Announces Path To Lifting 'Almost All' Restrictions. No, they're not. Premier Kenney is trying to weasel his way through this. "After three weeks, authorities will determine if the province can move to Stage 2 ... The final stage would see all restrictions lifted - however this could be paused if the healthcare system is under too much stress from Covid." We've been through this bullshit in Ontario. After three weeks, they'll decide not to move forward. Or -- like Ontario -- they'll take a step forward and then decide to roll back to Stage 2. Don't believe anything except a hard date with no exceptions. On second thought, don't even believe that facile promise. Believe only verifiable actions taken...and be on guard for reversals. (As Small Dead Animals put it, Kenney Gotta Kenney. See also the Conservative Treehouse.)

The new line of counterattack, dutifully repeated by CTV News: Feds ready to act should 'foul play' be detected in trucker convoy funding, says public safety minister. "Nefarious financial support," with "U.S. ties." Well, anyone can read the comments of support at GiveSendGo, and see that there are some donations from Americans (as well as countless Canadians). "Nefarious" is just clumsy spin, trying to make it sound criminal or evil. It's not.

And, per the Post Millenial, a new and particularly despicable tactic is being readied by the city: Ottawa police concerned about truckers' kids being at protest, will rely on guidance from Children's Aid. In essence: you protest, we'll take your kids. This would get ugly fast. To adapt a line from Casablanca: there are certain lines, mayor, that I wouldn't advise you to try to cross.

From the Brownstone Institute: “The Honking Will Continue”: A Conversation With BJ Dichter. (Dichter is one of the organizers of the Freedom Convoy 2022.)
Brad - Thursday 10 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly

Hint: a robot would be able to do this.
Wendy McElroy - Thursday 10 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
 News and commentary for Feb 10
From Consortium News: Boris Bashing & the Assange Factor. From the Guardian: ‘Cypherpunks have rallied to Assange’: NFT auction raises $52m for WikiLeaks founder. [Ed: how strange to think the Cypherpunks are a very wealthy niche in society now.]

Claims of Fusion. From Newser: Nuclear Fusion Feat Moves Us One 'Huge Step' Forward. Scientists manage to generate the biggest amount of energy ever from fusion . [Ed: a round-up of news items.] From the BBC: European Scientists Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

From The Federalist: Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

Crypto. From the Daily Bell: Another obvious reason to hold Crypto. From the Irish Times: What the hell are NFTs and what do they mean for art?

From Politico: Left splits over Supreme Court pick pushed by top Biden ally. Rep. Jim Clyburn is stumping for judge Michelle Childs to get the president's nod. While labor interests are skeptical, not every progressive senator is.

From the Bored Panda: This Instagram Account Shares Lesser-Known Historical Facts, And Here Are 40 Of The Most Interesting Ones. [Ed: these are just cool, feel-good moments in history. Human beings are a dynamite species.]

From the Libertarian Institute: Don’t Fall for the ‘National Service’ Scam. [Ed: by the excellent Jim Bovard.]

From the Babylon Bee: Biden Admin Issues New Masks With Holes In Them So You Can Smoke Your Free Government Crack Pipe. From the Bongino Report: Snopes Hilariously Attempts to Fact Check Biden Admin “Crack Pipe Giveaway” Story

NATO. Nyet. From antiwar: The Challenge of Foreign Policy Free Riding: Limited Government for Me, Not for Thee. [Ed: a must read, and just another problem with NATO.] From Moon of Alabama: Europe Should Leave NATO Behind And Integrate With Russia. [Ed: certainly, NATO should be abandoned. As for the rest...?]

From Sunny Skyz: The Door Is Real. The Rest Is Graffiti. "He creates incredible "transparent" art on solid walls."

Iran. From antiwar: Senate Republicans Vow to Block Iran Deal If Biden Skips Congressional Review. The State Department said a deal is 'in sight' as negotiation resumed. [Ed: law requires Congress to have a 60-day review.] From Responsible Statecraft: Don’t listen to Iran deal opponents’ phony complaints about ‘breakout’. Time needed to enrich enough uranium for one bomb is academic as long as Iran never tries to do it; and if it does, we’ll know far in advance.

From Politico: House passes bill to ease Postal Service financial woes. The long-awaited legislation addresses operational and financial issues at the cash-strapped agency.From Forbes: Postal Service Reform Up For House Vote—Here’s What It Means For Your Mail.

New iPhone Capability. From Axios: iPhones to become credit card readers. [Ed: I sure wouldn't use them for this purpose.] From WCBV: New Apple feature will let shoppers pay merchants by holding phones together.

From Reason: That Study of Face Masks Does Not Show What the CDC Claims. The agency further undermines its credibility by desperately trying to back up conclusions it has already reached. [Ed: a must read, especially for the scientifically inclined reader.]

The Upcoming Elections. From Jonathan Turley: North Carolina Board Asserts Right to Disqualify Madison Cawthorn as an “Insurrectionist”. "Democrats are playing a dangerous game with the long-dormant provision in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — the 'disqualification clause'.” [Ed: I 1/2 believe the Dems are trying to foment widespread civil rebellion.]

From Vice: Do Animals Understand What It Means to Die? Primates carry their dead infants; elephants return to where relatives lay dead. To explain these behaviors, scientists have to answer questions that have vexed philosophers for millennia.

Russia. From Al Jazeera: No, Russia will not invade Ukraine. A large-scale military operation does not fit into Moscow’s cost-benefit calculus. [Ed: I never thought it would. The U.S. just wanted war.] From Responsible Statecraft: Senator Menendez: I want all Russians to feel the pain. The chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee is selling his sanctions proposal and promising devastation. [Ed: this sadistic piece of corrupt s*** is powerful voice in foreign policy. No wonder people hate the American abroad--the ugly American.] From the Saker: Revisiting Russia’s 5th and, especially, 6th columns. [Ed: recommended.]

From the CBS: Charges possible for Ohio man who allegedly swatted police in the wrong Ottawa. [Ed: not from the Onion. He called Ottawa, Ohio by mistake.]

Inflation and Shortages. From the Business Insider: Chipotle says it could raise prices again this year after a 4% price hike in December as inflation looks set to persist. From Oil Price: U.S. Refinery Outages Are Another Headache For Biden. [Ed: they are blaming *this too* on Russia. Or was it Trump? Nop, it was Russia.]

Guns. From KATU: Oregon bill increases tax on luxury items to help those in need. [Ed: one of the luxury items up for taxation=guns. What a surprise.]

From Mashable: 20 actually fun websites to learn something new. We've got the sites for you to improve your skills.

The Media. From Real Clear Politics: How Was CNN President Jeff Zucker's Resignation Covered On Television News? From Fortune: Elon Musk hits out at the media’s ‘relentless hatestream’ of bad news in a week of setbacks for Tesla.

From Zero Hedge: Geomagnetic Storm Dooms 40 Starlink Internet Satellites. "Up to 40 of the satellites will reenter or already have reentered the Earth's atmosphere."
Wendy McElroy - Thursday 10 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
Wendy McElroy - Thursday 10 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
Wednesday 09 February 2022
Wendy McElroy - Wednesday 09 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
 The Canadians are Revolting - Justin in Hiding, Day 12
REMINDER: GoFundMe has announced that they will automatically refund your Freedom Convoy 2022 donations. If you're a donor, please verify that you got a refund. If you didn't, contact GoFundMe customer support. Remember, you can also dispute the charge with your credit card company, if GoFundMe fails to refund your donation. Spread the word.

(Brad note, 8 Feb: I just received my refund. I'll keep posting the reminder for a few more days.)

Brad here. Trudeau sighted! He emerged from his burrow long enough to attend a late House of Commons debate. Still no meeting with truckers, though. And he seems to have vanished back into his hole. After all, as the Post Millenial observed, "as previously seen, it's in the prime minister's nature to go into hiding when things get rough."

I was wondering if Brave Sir Justin had taken refuge in the Diefenbunker. Prime Minister John Diefenbaker authorized its construction during the Cold War; it was an underground bunker where key members of government could ride out a nuclear attack. It was designed as a place for politicians to hide...for weeks. Perfect for Brave Sir Justin. (Seriously, the bunker is now "Canada's Cold War Museum," and it's well worth the visit if you're ever in the Ottawa area. Take the guided tour.)

In the Galactic Lack of Self-Awareness Department, listen to these smarmy words from Trudeau: "Individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens' daily lives. It has to stop." Yes -- and those individuals are elected and unelected government functionaries, who have shut down our economy, democracy, and our daily lives for two damned years now. It is brazen in the extreme for Justin to now complain about economic impact. Or perhaps it is revealing: he doesn't mind that power being used; he just objects to it being used by someone else. And yes, it has to stop: "it" being pandemic mandates and restrictions. You have the power to stop that, Justin.

From the National Post: Ottawa mayor calls for feds to provide 1,800 more police to clear protesters "At press time, it was unclear whether the federal government could provide 1,800 more officers to deal with the protests." (They've provided 275 RCMP officers already.)

From Small Dead Animals: in Convoy to Ottawa: A Seat at the Table, Trent the Trucker writes

The Convoy to Ottawa is an enormous success. It has spawned a global revolution against The Great Reset. From Estonia to Bolivia to Australia, everyday there are more people revolting against tyrannical leadership by simply embracing their friends and family once again. Every freedom loving person around the world wants to be a Canadian trucker. By the end of the month the mandates will fall. Governments will be ousted, and new ones elected. People will look back at the last couple years and be embarrassed that they ever allowed their freedom to be taken away from them.

I hope he's right.

(Brad update, early 8 Feb: I don't know if this is the solidarity that Trent the Trucker writes about, but truckers have now blocked the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor and Detroit. This is a major border crossing. What happens if truckers refuse to carry cargo into Ottawa?)

Here's a nice aerial shot of the protest at Coutts, Alberta.

More like this, please: an Alberta towing company has announced that they will not "assist with towing and impounding of Canadians" at the Coutts border crossing. (h/t RedState)

It spreads! From Breitbart: New Zealand Protest Convoy Blocks Capital: Demands End to Vaccine Mandates "New Zealand’s leftist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has declined to meet with the convoy, saying she is too 'busy' to meet her opponents." Should we start calling her Justina?

And the counterattack fakery has begun. From the Post Millenial: Chair of Trudeau-funded ‘anti-hate’ network spreads antisemitism hoax to smear Canadian truckers. I remember seeing posts about this flyer in the U.S. weeks ago, long before the Freedom Convoy got started. And from RedState: WATCH: Counter-Protester Caught Faking Getting Hit by Freedom Convoy Truck. For me the funniest part is when he lifts his head a bit, to see if anyone is noticing him. These are the initial clumsy and obvious stunts. Expect the scam artists to get more sophisticated soon.

Alinsky Rule #6 is "A good tactic is one your people enjoy." From the Post Millenial: Freedom Convoy supporters dance to “We Are Family” at Parliament Hill. AND Sunday morning church service at Parliament Hill kicks off with O Canada.

Finally, from the Babylon Bee: Trudeau Orders All Geese Rounded Up And Shot For Honking In Solidarity With Truckers
Brad - Wednesday 09 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
Wendy McElroy - Wednesday 09 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
 News and commentary for Feb 09
From Coin Telegraph: AssangeDAO concludes raise with $53M to help Julian fight for freedom. [Ed: in Ether. Interesting choice.]

From IT Wire: Meta threatens to pull Facebook and Instagram from Europe if it can't target ads. [Ed: tells you where they make their money.]

From Zero Hedge: Rumble SPAC Explodes Higher After CEO Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million "To Make The World A Better Place". "This is our chance to save the world. And yes, this is totally legit." [Ed: talk about changing the narrative.]

Inflation and Shortages. From Zero Hedge: Largest UK Supermarket Warns "Worst Has Yet To Come" Amid Food Inflation Crisis [Ed: that's Tesco talking.] AND Diesel Is The U.S. Economy's Inflation Canary From CNN Business: Household debt jumped by $1 trillion in 2021, the most since 2007

From the Sacramento Bee: US sanctions on Afghanistan could be deadlier than 20 years of war.

From the Epoch Times: IRS Abandons Plans To Require Third-Party Facial Recognition

Russia. From CNBC: Biden says Nord Stream 2 won’t go forward if Russia invades Ukraine, but German Chancellor demurs. [Ed: how on earth does Biden think he can stop NS2 if the Germans will not commit? Send troops to Germany to enforce US policy? The Biden admin. is literally delusional. And I mean 'literally.'] From Unherd: Has Macron already won? Restraining Putin could hand him the election. From Strategic Macro: Are Warnings About "Imminent Russian Invasion Of Ukraine" Any More Than A Deep-State Intel Operation? ...it is almost certainly built on a series of false narratives and manipulated analysis and conclusions. [Ed: reasonable analysis.]

From Mashable: Extreme Hubble photo shows a galaxy ripping solar systems from another galaxy

From Glenn Greenwald: The Neocons' Primary War Tactic: Branding Opponents of U.S. Intervention as Traitors. [Ed: a must read.] From antiwar: Hawks Smear War Opponents Again.

From the Dodo: Family Designs A Custom Aquarium For Their Cat Who Loves Watching Fish

From CNN: House passes stopgap government funding bill to avert shutdown [Ed: this is the third one in 5 months! Ah, well, I imagine the Senate will pass it.]

Crypto. From Bitcoin Magazine: The Modern Serfdom Model And The Bitcoin Escape Hatch. Everything about society sets us up to become subservient to the pursuit of the mortgage - but bitcoin changes that. AND Latest From Putin And Xi Suggests Growing Political Interest In Bitcoin. Statements from Russia and China suggest the two are unified and prepared to evade economic sanctions, with Bitcoin being a potential tool. From Politico: Crypto’s aspiring Washington kingmaker. Sam Bankman-Fried — the 29-year-old billionaire who founded FTX in 2019 — is leveraging his new political connections as lawmakers try to understand crypto. [Ed: this is a terrible direction for crypto, but something to be aware of.] From Engadget: Justice Department recovers $3.6 billion in Bitcoin from 2016 Bitfinex hack. It's the largest financial seizure in DOJ history. [Ed: a good thing about crypto=every transaction is on the blockchain and hard to launder without a trace.]

From Nature Medicine: Implant Results in Dramatic First for Paralyzed Man. Italian test subject with severed spinal cord learns to walk again.

From Politico: Gun-waving St. Louis couple placed on probation as lawyers. Mark and Patricia McCloskey gained national attention during protests last year. [Ed: they are hoping to take the case to SCOTUS.]

The Media. From Politically Incorrect Humor: 30 Liberal Quotes That Would’ve Gotten a Conservative Fired and Crucified by Mainstream Media [Ed: wow. Hat tip to the Lady Anne.] From Zero Hedge: Elon Musk Blasts Mainstream Media For "Relentless Hatestream" Of "Careless Negativity". Most news outlets attempt to answer the question: “What are the worst things happening on Earth today?” [Ed: sometimes I almost like Musk.]

The Coming U.S. Elections. From Politico: Supreme Court restores Alabama’s redistricting plan for 2022. The justices split, 5-4, to block a lower court order that said a new map diluted the influence of Black voters. [Ed: all the redistricting decisions are going to end up at SCOTUS, and this is a precedent and good news for the GOP.] From CNN: Peter Thiel to Leave Facebook for Politics. Longtime director, a mentor to Zuckerberg, will support Trump candidates. [Ed: explicitly wants to push "Trump agenda."] From Reason: The Supreme Court's Alabama Redistricting Ruling Looks Like a Holding Pattern, Not a Power Grab. Contrary to some of the more breathless reactions, it doesn't suggest a conspiracy to help Republicans win elections by disenfranchising black voters.

From Haaretz: Tell Me What’s Untrue in Amnesty’s Report on Israel. [Ed: reader friendly. I do not trust Amnesty International but I have not read the controversial report.]

From antiwar: Regime ‘Libertarians’ Call for Cato Blood. [Ed: I keep my nose out of attacks and counterattacks that do not focus upon the ideas, so I offer no conclusions about this eruption. Just FYI that it is happening.]

From Reasons to be Cheerful: A Bridge Will Help Humans and Lions Coexist in Los Angeles. As the only major Western city that is home to lions, L.A. is breaking new ground in infrastructure designed for big wildlife.

Meet Your Masters, Slave. From FOX News: Pelosi spent over $500K on private jets despite claiming ‘we have a moral obligation’ to reduce emissions. 'For me, it's a religious thing,' Pelosi said in November of preserving the planet. [Ed: that's $500K in the last two years.] From the Mises Wire: The White House Now Says It Never Really Wanted Lockdowns. [Ed: well, with Bide...the man may not remember. Seriously.]

From Zero Hedge: UAE Capital Rocked By Explosions, Huge Emergency Response Underway. [Ed: this is breaking news. I don't know what is happening yet.]

Iran Talks. From Voice of America: Talks to Salvage Iran Nuclear Deal Resume Quietly in Vienna. From Al Jazeera: What to expect as Iran nuclear deal talks restart in Vienna. More than 10 months after the talks began, officials from Iran and world powers gather for another round of talks in Austria. From Reuters: U.S. Republican senators vow to thwart any Iran deal if Biden skips congressional review

From Politico: How the Right Learned to Love Saul Alinsky. Canadian truckers and Capitol rioters are getting cheers for the leftwing tactics conservatives once decried.

From Mashable: You can now play the entire archive of past 'Wordle' puzzles. Time to go back and redo days that stumped you. [Ed: I'm not a fan but I know people who are crazy for the puzzle.]

From the Wall St. Journal: Chimps Seen Performing First Aid on Themselves and Each Other. Researchers observed the behavior over several years among chimpanzees living in the central African rainforest. [Ed: reader friendly.]
Wendy McElroy - Wednesday 09 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
Wendy McElroy - Wednesday 09 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
Tuesday 08 February 2022
Wendy McElroy - Tuesday 08 February 2022 - 00:00:00 - Permalink - Printer Friendly
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