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02/13/2005 Archived Entry: "Windows security guides"

Okay, Windows users. You know that this year you need to protect your computer like never before. I've just stumbled across a series of articles at CastleCops, a computer security firm, that spells out "how" in some detail.

Part 1: Firewalls and Antivirus Applications
Part 2: To Do and Do Not
Part 3: Safe at Any Speed Online
Part 4: Securing Your Network
Part 5: Are Cookies Really Guid for You?
Part 6: Invisible Internet Browsing
Part 7: HOSTS File: Wholesale Blocking
Part 8: IM Insecure
Part 9: Batting Clean-up
Part 10: PC Pesticides

Of course, they're doing this for the advertising, and you'll see repeated references to their services. I can't vouch for them personally, having never employed them, but they do seem to know what they're talking about.

For more information and downloads, I still recommend the Home PC Firewall Guide.     —brad

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